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Custom Tailored Presentations Designed for Your Rural Area
Includes Points Below
- Describe Current Status of Vaccine Hesitancy
- Discover Who is Most Likely to beĀ Vaccine Hesitant in Your Community
- Discuss History of Vaccine Hesitancy
- Discuss History, Culture, and Other Issues Which Contribute to Distrust
- Describe Strategies to Build Trust in Your Community
- Explore Ideas for Listening Sessions in Your Community
- Explore Strategies with Examples to Improve Vaccine Confidence
- Who are the Trusted Messengers in Your Community?
- Other Presentations as Needed
Consulting Services to Improve Vaccine Confidence
- Follow Up Presentation to Develop an Outreach Strategy to Improve Vaccine Confidence in Your Rural Area
- Discover Who Could be Trusted Messengers in Your Community
- Develop a Strategy for Social Media in Order to ImproveĀ Vaccine Confidence
As COVID-19 Vaccination rates decrease, we must do everything possible to increase vaccine confidence in our rural populations, where surveys show hesitancy is greatest.
Our messages need to be culturally appropriate for the community that we are trying to reach. When it comes to encouraging vaccine confidence, one size definitely does not fit all!
The news has been full lately of stories about the high hesitancy rates of getting the COVID-19 vaccine in rural areas. Overall, most rural areas have a higher degree of distrust of the government than do urban areas. We must build trust in our rural communities if we are to have any hope of increasing vaccine confidence.
I believe there is hope! If we tailor our messages to our specific communities and present positive messages that take into account the important values of that community, I believe we will see improvement in the hesitancy rates.
For example, in rural Appalachia, family and faith are very important cultural values. Mounting a social media campaign where people talk about #whyIgotmyshot and describe positive reasons around hugging ma-maw and papaw, gathering for family reunions, attending church picnics, and holding revivals are all messages that will resonate with large portions of the rural Appalachian population.
We need to do everything we can to improve COVID-19 vaccine confidence in our rural communities. Every person that gets vaccinated, is one less person that it is highly unlikely will get seriously ill or die from COVID-19. Please reach out to me to discuss this critical issue!